Project Development Overview
The Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) Project Development team is dedicated to helping teachers, principals, and administrative staff secure funding to support and enhance educational programs throughout the district. The department assists with:
Grant Identification and Location
Grant Planning and Project Development
Grant Writing: Help and Support
Grant Monitoring
Grant Reporting
Additional Services:
Teacher/School grant links
Charter School Participation in Federal Programs
Private School Participation in Federal Programs
Partnerships and Sub-agreements
Letters of support
Current Grants, Programs, and Initiatives
Title II, Part A – Supporting Effective Instruction in The Classroom
To enhance the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders so low income and minority students have greater access to effective instruction.
Services: Professional development opportunities
In person, speakers, facilitators
Travel and registration
Online PD, subscription and resources
Instructional Coaching, including technology coaching
Title III, Part A - English Language Acquisition
Facilitate the delivery of language instruction to students who have a primary language other than English to help them learn English and meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards
Family liaisons
Parent workshops
After school ESOL tutoring
Professional development workshops for teachers of ELLs
Title III, Part A- Immigrant Supplementary Instructional Support
This additional Title III funding supports ACPS in meeting the unique educational and cultural needs of immigrant students, ensuring they receive the resources and assistance required to thrive academically and socially.
Title IV-Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Purpose To increase the capacity of the LEA (School District) to improve and support student academic achievement
Providing all students with access to a well-rounded education
Improving school conditions for student learnings to support safe and healthy students
Improving the use of technology in order to advance digital literacy of all students.
Professional development for the effective use of data and technology.
Title IX, Part A –McKinney Vento Program for The Education of Homeless Children and Youth Project
Main Purpose of the McKinney Vento Act is to ensure the following for the homeless child:
School Access
Educational Stability
Support for Academic Success
Through the McKinney Vento Program ACPS seeks to address the unique challenges faced by students experiencing homelessness. ACPS staff works to identify, enroll, and provide specialized support and services to ensure homeless youth have equal access to educational opportunities.
Stronger Connections Grant Program
Stronger Connections Grant (SCG)is a 3-year grant to promote safer and healthier learning environments in schools under section 4108 of the ESEA. ACPS is using the grant to enable earlier identification of student needs, more personalized interventions, and greater coordination between schools, families, and communities through the following initiatives:
Before and After School Intervention Counseling Program
Pathways to Expand the Pool of Certified Mental Health Professionals
Virtual Counseling Program
Behavior Intervention Program
*Please note that district policy requires all grants exceeding $1,000 in value to be reviewed by the Project Development Department. Grants applications over $5,000 must also be Board approved.
Contact Us
Dr. Joram Rejouis
Director of Project Development
Email: rejouisj -
Nicole Fields
Project Development Specialist
Email: fieldsn -
Claire Bello Roufai
Program Service Specialist
Email: belloroufaicm -
Terri Zimmerman
Program Service Specialist
Email: zimmermants -
Grecia Chavez Betancourt
Administrative Secretary
Email: chavezbetancourgaOffice: (352) 955-7605
Dr. Pamela Worsham
Homeless Liaison
Email: worshapj
(352) 955-7323
(352) 275-8178 -
Victoria Gomez de la Torre
Migrant Program Supervisor
Email: gomezdelatorrev
(352) 955-6855 ext. 6361Note: Email addresses are followed by @gm.sbac.edu
File Library
Student Housing Questionnaire - STU-2324-031
STU-2324-031_-_Student_Housing_Questionnaire fillable.pdf 184.75 KB (Last Modified on February 20, 2025) -
Student Housing Questionnaire - STU-2324-031
Translated: Spanish
STU-2324-031 - Student Housing Questionnaire - Spanish fillable.pdf 176.45 KB (Last Modified on February 20, 2025) -
Grant and Funding Solicitation Submission Approval
PRD-2324-001_-_Grant_and_Funding_Solicitation_Submission_Approval_Form.pdf 202.97 KB (Last Modified on August 14, 2024) -
Stipend Time & Effort Documentation Form
PRD-2324-003_-_Stipend_Time_and_Effort_Documentation_Form.pdf 252.58 KB (Last Modified on August 14, 2024)