Migrant Education Program

  • About the Program

    The primary goal of the migrant education program is to ensure that all migrant students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma that prepares them for responsible citizenship further learning, and productive employment

    The Title I Migrant Education program is a compensatory education program designed to address the unique needs of migratory children in preschool through grade twelve.  The program provides supplemental instruction in basic skills to compensate for academic deficiencies inherent in a highly mobile population. Additionally, the program provides support services such as health, nutrition, and other social services necessary to enable eligible migratory children to participate effectively in instructional programs. The Migrant Education program ensures that all migratory children will have the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content standards and challenging state student performance standards that all children are expected to meet.

    A migratory child is a child under the age of 22 without a high school diploma, who moved, either on his/her own or with a parent, guardian or spouse across district/state lines in the last 36 months for the purpose of obtaining/seeking temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture, fishing or food processing activities.

    The Alachua Multi-County Migrant Education program serves as host to twelve (12) school districts in north Florida. Average annual migrant population: 1,300. 
    Our 12 districts include: Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Flagler, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion, St Johns, Union. 

Contact Us

  • Victoria Gomez de la Torre
    Program Supervisor
    E-mail:  gomezdelatorrev
    (352) 955-6855 ext 6361

     Note: Email addresses are followed by @gm.sbac.edu.

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  • Title 1: Migrant Education Program
    3600 NE 15th Street
    Gainesville, FL 32609
    (352) 955-6855
    Fax: 1-844-272-6820

    located adjacent to Fearnside Family Service Center

    Migrant Advocate and Staff Contact Information 

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