Health Services Program
Our Mission
The Alachua County Public School Health Services program provides professional and compassionate health care to students during their school day. It is our mission to promote and maintain the physical and mental well being of our students to ensure their success at school. As nurses, we encourage healthy lifestyles. School health staff follow Health Handbook procedures which are updated by the School Health Advisory Council. The School Health Plan is also updated yearly and outlines specific nursing interventions for the school year. Parent and staff involvement and input is welcome.
Student Illness:
If your child gets sick, it is usually appropriate to keep him/her home from school until symptoms have improved. A sick child will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to others. To protect the safety of students and staff, the Alachua County Public Schools exclusion guidelines recommend sending any student home or denying entry for certain symptom/s. Please refer to the 24-25 School Health Services Handbook (on the right side of this page) for policies regarding various student illnesses.
Parent Consent for Healthcare
Under Florida law, parents/guardians must give active consent for their child to receive health care such as management for chronic health conditions, vision/hearing/scoliosis/dental screening, and other services. ALL students will be provided with emergency care, first aid treatment and acute care as deemed necessary by a school nurse, even without active consent from a parent/guardian.
If your child needs medication at school for any reason, you must also complete a Medication/Treatment Authorization Form, which is available from your school nurse and on this site. Completed Medication/Treatment Authorization forms must be submitted in person to your school nurse.
To give active consent for your child to receive screenings and other health services at school, you must complete the new Consent for Health Services form. The form can be found under "Annual Updates" in your Skyward Family Access account.
If you do not have a Skyward Family Access account, you can set one up online or by emailing and providing: your full name and a photo ID; your student’s full name, date of birth, grade level and school. A Skyward Family Access account also gives you access to your child’s grades, test scores, attendance records and other important information.
Parents/guardians without a Family Access account can also request a hard copy of the health form and other required annual forms from their child’s school.
We appreciate your help as we work to provide the healthcare services you want for your student.
Please direct any questions to
Contact Us
Johnelly Green, BSN, RN
Health Services
352-955-7671 x 1612
email: greenj1Note: Email addresses are followed by
Health Services Handbooks/Resources
Formularios de servicios de salud
Immunization General Information
School/Childhood Immunizations
Vacunas recomendadas para niños de 0 a 6 años (2024)
AAFP - Your child needs vaccines as they grow--SPANISH.pdf 201.44 KB (Last Modified on July 18, 2024) -
Vacunas recomendadas para niños de 7 a 18 años (2024)
AAFP - Older children and teens need vaccines--SPANISH.pdf 809.11 KB (Last Modified on July 18, 2024)