Being Involved

  • Parent involvement is one of the most important factors in a student’s success both in and out of school. Studies show that the children of involved parents have higher grades and attendance, fewer discipline problems, are more likely to graduate and less likely to engage in destructive behaviors, including violence and drug abuse.

    There are many ways parents can get involved in their child’s education. First and foremost, you should show an interest in school. Ask about school activities and encourage your child to talk about what’s happening at school.

    Many of the lessons being taught at school can be reinforced at home in simple ways. Reading with your children, discussing current events, practicing math skills by working together on household projects––there are endless activities that you can do at home to help your child.  

    All students and families have access to a variety of online learning resources through the district's myPortal platform. Students can go to and sign on using the same user name and password they use to sign on to computers at school. Then they click on the icon labelled 'Supplemental' to find free learning games, books and other activities.

    Families without devices can request the free use of an internet-connected laptop at home for their ACPS student. Send an email to or call (352) 955-6860, ext. 1545 and a staff member will make arrangements for pickup.